Bucknor, Segun -'s Revolution-
Son Of January 15
Segun Bucknor was one of the most important figures in the Nigerian music scene of the '70s, despite having only a brief career with his Afrobeat unit which in 1972 released this superb album of which originals usually not turn up at any price. A reissue like this on Jet Records therefore is long overdue to enable every woman and man with a fondness for African popular music of the '70s to take a closer listen to this gem and fall in love immediately. What do we get to listen here? Well, the album consists of four lengthy tracks with long instrumental sections that generate a swallowing atmosphere of sheer simmering heat and awakes the primal desire to dance within each and every listener. This album really gets you in case you have an affinity for jazz, for funky grooves, for long tracks and for a simmering atmosphere. A classic that still got lost in time to be rediscovered by a new generation of music lovers nearly 50 years after the initial release. Haunting!