Brotzmann, Peter -& Han Bennink-
Schwarzwaldfahrt (+cd)
'Schwarzwaldfahrt' is a magical document of a moment out of time, a moment when the saxophone player Peter Brötzmann and percussionist Han Bennink made a journey deep into the heart of the Black Forest with early portable recording equipment and cameras. The recordings that they made there were released as the 'Schwarzwaldfahrt' album by FMP in 1977 and it remains a free music classic, recorded completely in the open air, with Bennink and Brötzmann duetting with the birds, playing in the water, drumming on great natural xylophones made of logs and catching the sounds of airplanes strafing the skies. It is a music of eternal expansion, of elemental communion. This book comes with the original recordings on a CD and is assembled round a treasure trove of newly discovered photographs taken during the trip by both Brötzmann and Bennink - photographs of each other, of their lodgings, of their ritual communions, of their route into, and out of the forest. Text by David Keenan. TRACKS: 1. Aufen Nr. 1-5 2. Schwarzenbachtalsperre Nr. 6-10