Berliner Lvft
n the gutters of Berlin there's a band that howls like a banshee in the night. Berliner Lvft, they call themselves, and they're a motley crew of misfits who live to drink and get high. Four weirdos who make the devil's music with aluminum neck guitars and strange tunings that would make your ears bleed. A raw, unfiltered energy that shakes you to your core and leaves you gasping for air. "'Totalschaden' in German means 'broken beyond repair' while 'Schade' translates to 'sorry' or 'pity.' The blended word might be understood as 'completely sorry.' This play on words aptly describes our sentiments about the world today. Outrageous acts of violence driven by hatred, ignorance, intolerance, and greed, terrible cases of human rights violations, social injustice manifesting itself in an enormous class divide and growing poverty, irreversible damage humanity is causing to the planet, climate change and the extinction of species - these are just a few things that give us anxiety, the feeling of how fragile our world is and how uncertain our future is. Sometimes these emotions make us want to scream, and that is what 'Totalschade' is born from."