Barren Room
White Clouds
Some will know this moment: suddenly everything is clear. When Lulu (Electric Moon) and Oli (ex-Urlaub in Polen) bump into each other at a concert in the legendary Vortex Surfer music club in Siegen, they both know that same evening: We are a band. They tell Falko, who has just destroyed the club with his instrumental post-metal band Sarkh. Just a few months later, the first songs were arranged during the first rehearsals - fragments of poetry and word play written by Oli, melodic lines and ideas that were taken up by the band and subsidized and refined on the respective instruments. The debut 'White Clouds' was created in less than a year - recorded, mixed and mastered in Falko's underground recording studio Institut Für Angewandten Krach. During that time, the band attends one of the last concerts of the wonderful noise post-math rock band Shellac in Amsterdam. All three are equally deeply impressed and moved by this show and incorporate Steve Albini's spirit into their debut, which they ultimately dedicated to him. Added to this is their very own drift - pain and hope, the unconditional will of rock'n'roll, depth and steep flight, highly dynamic, playful, hypnotic-driving passages and repeated melodies with resonance, as well as the connection between the three musicians, promise a debut and live concerts with a yeah factor.