Asteriadi, Popi -& Lakis Pappas-
Another Sunday Gone
This is-we feel-quite simply some of the most beautiful music in a folk vein ever recorded; lovely, full of feeling, yet with the yearning and melancholy that usually only old, tired performers like Leonard Cohen can project into their singing, only in this case, its a little Greek girl who looks like Jean Seberg and a young Greek boy with guitar who are making this early Sunday morning music! If you like the Bulent album this same label released last year, or Nick Drake, or anything in that general vein, than this will, we think, appeal to you. Evidently, this is a key album in the Greek neo kyma ("new wave") movement of the late 1960s, which saw young songwriters take musical themes from the bouzouki music of the hashish bars, and translate them into painful, fragile, innocent poetic musings on everyday life-songs of intense longing, characterized by austere arrangements. In addition to the album, there are seven bonus tracks which appear to be some of Asteriadis singles, as well as a track written by famous composer Manos Hadjidakis for a film called Aliki, My Love. Liner notes are all too brief, but they include memories of her early career by Asteriadi, as well as a couple of paragraphs on the neo kyma movement.