Amon Duul
Disaster (luud Noma)
In September 1968, Amon Düül played the "International Essener Songtage," Germany's first rock festival of five days duration, which was initiated by the later Ohr label boss Rolf-Ulrich Kaiser. The Berlin hit producer Peter Meisel heard and saw the band there and spontaneously signed them, along with Tangerine Dream and Birth Control. Amon Düül was close to the Berlin "Kommune 1" and came together at a time when everyone was an artist who wanted to be one. Anyone who wanted to could also be a musician. As a collective, anything was possible. In Meisel's studio, Angelika and Helge Filanda, Wolfgang Krischke, Ulrich Leopold, Rainer and Ella Bauer, Peter Leopold and Uschi Obermaier, sky-high as it was state of the art, recorded a session that broke every rule and turned all listening habits inside out. The recordings initially went into the poison cabinet; it was not before a year later that Meisel dared to publish them under the title 'Psychedelic Underground.' Here's more: The double LP 'Disaster/Lüüd Noma' was released in 1972, when the group Amon Düül didn't exist anymore, and it presents further recordings from the same session. All titles are untranslatable surrealistic plays on words, the tracks, compared to the first LP, are better organized in terms of sound, less fragmentary, more clearly separated from each other and edited more sophisticatedly - the note that all glitches and errors are intentional is meant tongue-in-cheek, of course, but nevertheless has an element of truth. Now these memorable recordings are available again, remastered from the original analog tapes. As already the first record, 'Disaster/Lüüd Noma' is a document of a zeitgeist that has remained unrepeatable. Anyone who is seriously interested in the beginnings of krautrock cannot ignore this album - disaster is waiting just for you!