Al Doum & The Faryds
Spirit Rejoin
The fourth album of the Milanese band. Compared to previous works, the substantial characteristics of the sound remain a powerful rhythmic basis and the prestigious skill in the poly-rhythmic dynamics; everything is however moved towards accents of more markedly jazzy ancestry. Basically the Faryds absorb and re-elaborate with remarkable insights disparate elements and influences of certain electric jazz or rock-jazz-blues of the '70s (Miles Davis, Dr.John, Graham Bond, Jeremy Steig) and spiritual jazz (Sun Ra, Pharoah Sanders, Don Cherry, Brother Ah), marrying them with the forceful instances of certain Afro-free jazz (Pyramids, Alkebu-Lan) and the more freak-jam plots typical of space rock. The sense of complete unity is also rooted in the balanced synergy and chorality of the instruments, which enjoy a perfect osmotic reciprocity and complementarity. A very important role is played by the entry of Fender Rhodes that chromatically emphasizes the parts as counterpoints and hypnotic ostinatos chased by the dense timbral mixtures of alto-sax and flute and roaring wah-wah guitars with flowing acid trajectories.